Monday, January 12, 2009

Morning Pages

Dear Systems Observations blog,

We have a great thing going. I love you dearly and feel that we get along really well together. Spending time with you has helped me learn about myself. I feel I've improved at articulating my thoughts. You really have improved my communication skills. But I owe it to you to be honest. I have a new love: morning pages.

Who is this two-bit morning-page hussy, might you ask? My friend M (or should I call her Y?) introduced us. On New Years she told me that morning pages would be perfect for me. M/Y went on to tell me about the book "The Artist Way," which introduces the morning pages technique. Morning pages are three handwritten pages done every morning, the earlier in the day the better. The idea behind them is that they clear the brain of clutter and help one become more creative during the day.

What does this have to do with you, lovely blog? Well, I find that with morning pages I am writing a lot now: 800-1000 words a day. This is much more than I write with you. With you, I feel I must censor myself. I must have a cohesive thought. I can't be sloppy around you. But morning pages? Ahh.... I can be free. I don't need to use full sentences. I even have spell check turned off! Granted, a lot of what I write for morning pages is nonsense but it's streamlined my brain. Since doing morning pages:
  • I got a friend to repair the hole in my kitchen ceiling.
  • I've re-started going push-ups on a daily basis.
  • I've figured out a great way to keep myself from spending too much time on the computer.
  • My wedding planning has become more organized.
  • I've started renovations on my half bath.
  • I've started repainting my full bath.

But Observations.... lovely System Observations... you too hold a special place in my heart. I share you with my friends. You contain links to the world! Morning pages retains her beauty through her mystery. She cannot be shared with anyone. Blog, you are my day, while morning pages is my night. I can not be without either one of you. Please understand that while our relationship has changed, it has not ended. I look forward to a bright new 2009 with you.



  1. Dear Systems Observations,

    I did not intend to be a home wrecker.



  2. Christmas traditions...I would love to sped some time on Christmas morning with you making pizza frites.. we have had a tradition too... we make Butter Braids and drink coffee on Christmas morning. Butter Braids are from fundraisers that kids sell to make money for school bands or chiirs or other things. We always buy two or three and ony eat them on special morning such as Christmas or Easter. Then we have big dinner with turkey or ham. we will have to make pizza frites one day too. I made them years ago when I learned how from your dad. I still have the recipe. your dad actually showed me how and your mom and I made them one year before you were born. Anyway that's my comment from Aunt R.
