Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gym Schedule

So in my last post, I "came out" as a someone who goes to the gym.  I've been going since September (hm, about the time my blog postings took a dive) and it's been great.  I haven't been keeping track of my weight or anything, because my two goals cancel one another out: (1) lose fat = less weight, and (2) gain muscle = more weight.  Instead, I'm going by my clothes.  The results?  My pants are more loose, and my jackets and shirts are tighter around the chest.  Exciting!

So I started off only going 3 times a week, but this didn't work so well.  Life would get in the way: I'd have a night meeting, a friend was in town, I was traveling, etc.  There were weeks when I was only at the gym once a week.  This was ridiculous - what was the point if I was only going to go once a week? Then my buddy who's been inspiring me put a suggestion in my head: go EVERY day.  At first I was dubious.  I am super busy individual and wasn't sure I could commit that much time to the gym.  But I had goals and I wasn't going to get there by only going once a week.

Let me tell you: going daily turned the equation upside down.  Instead of the gym being something that intruded on my schedule... gym became the default in my schedule.  It was assumed that I would be at the gym every day, and people expected it.  Suddenly, I was at the gym 5 to 6 times a week.  Yes, I still had night meetings and other random things, so it wasn't actually EVERY day.  But I found it was easier to go every day, then alternating days.

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