Monday, March 23, 2009

Presentation Bingo

I go to a lot of presentations as part of my job. And living in a smaller city, I know a lot of the different presenters. In fact, it has gotten to the point where I can mentally come up with a list of different terms each presenter will use. For example, here is a list of terms I attribute to someone whom I value deeply:
  • citizens
  • visual quality
  • Rome (or Roman)
  • signature institutions
  • redlining
  • Philadelphia
  • urban & urbane
  • urban forestry
I have this strange fantasy of creating a bingo card with these terms on it. As he speaks each word, I check off that box. Eventually I will stand up in the middle of the presentation and shout out bingo.

Sometimes I wonder if I am really a professional, or just a kid in a tie.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good article and offer some helpful information for me,thank you!
